Faculty Director: Lars Peter Hansen
The Macro Finance Research Program (MFR) expands our understanding of how financial markets affect the economy as a whole and, conversely, how the macroeconomy influences financial markets. It does so by bringing together a community of elite scholars with common ambitions to tackle these important challenges. The program operates under the auspices of the Becker Friedman Institute with generous funding support from The University of Chicago Booth School of Business.
Through sponsored research projects, conferences, and interactions with visiting scholars, this program focuses on these fundamental questions:
- How do we construct models and measurements that will better support the prudent oversight of system-wide challenges to the financial system?
- What are the best ways to incorporate broad notions of uncertainty into the analysis of economic policies for both the private and public sectors?
- What are some meaningful approaches to addressing climate change in the presence of the associated deep uncertainties?
- How does the credit cycle influence the business cycle, and how does the business cycle affect the credit cycle?
- How does macroeconomic policy uncertainty impact financial markets?
- What are the macroeconomic and financial market implications of intermediation and its impediments?
Upcoming programs:
2024 MFR Program Summer Session for Young Scholars - Applications will open on January 3rd.